First off, I want to apologize for disappearing from my blog. In case you are curious I'm fine. I just needed a break I guess. It's hard to believe that my last post was way back in May. Long before summer and now summer is gone. How did I miss posting during the summer?
There has been a few things going on. My mother-in-law was quite sick around the time of my last post. At the time I couldn't talk about it as it was a very upsetting ordeal. She was sick for about 9 weeks, passing away a few days before her 79th birthday. Same age as my mom. She found out she had colon cancer and then 9 weeks later she died. It was devastating. She's at peace now and we all hope happy, but it is VERY sad to lose her and we miss her greatly.
I do have some news about me! I found a job :) A part-time job. I've been a full-time stay at home mom for 13 years, but with the costs of college with one son ( a junior) there now and the prospects of my high school senior attending college next year I needed to find a job. The thought of two in college at the same time is downright scary! Luckily I found a job using my skills as a medical technologist though it's not in my specialty...microbiology. I'm starting up a lab, doing drug testing for a physician in town (yes, a five minute commute). Part-time for now, but as he adds tests, my hours will increase. Need I say more that I am very happy and excited about my new job. I am very blessed for it's not so easy finding a job with a BIG gap in your work history.
That pretty much explains my absence, plus I've been busy with other things and we spent quite a bit of time at the cape this year. I'm still looking after my 95 year old dad who was hospitalized twice since May. Everything is good right now, but I am keeping my fingers crossed! I've been doing a lot of walking, listening to my audiobooks. I found out that I love reading books on an e-reader. I've taken advantage of trying a few out, borrowing them from our library. So far I've try a Nook Touch, Kindle, and a Kindle Keyboard. I love the
and I'm patiently waiting to see a
in the stores. I think I'm going to put an e-reader on my Christmas list this year. I wish our library had the tablets to try out as well. The lower priced tablets look like a good deal especially the
Google Nexus 7 Tablet 
. How does one ever decide which to get? I love the e-ink e-readers...but would I like a tablet just as well? We'll see. Any advice would be appreciated :) Maybe I'd keep up with my blog reading easier with a tablet?
In the meantime I've been knitting. Not quite as much as usual, but I have been knitting. I'm somewhat behind in taking photos of the things I've finished. Would have taken some photos today, but its dreary and dark. I'm still working on that multicolor blanket:
that I started a while ago. This photo was taken in August, but honestly other than a few more rows, there hasn't been much progress.
I crocheted a few cell phone slings:
I did finish a baby blanket and started a throw for my niece who loved her baby's blanket so much that she wished for one for herself. That's my current project.
I need to start making more baby prayer blankets for my church (Can you believe they ran out of them?) and I am planning on knitting a large, possibly queen sized blanket for my nephew and his bride-to-be for their wedding in July. Really have to get started on that one...that will be a big endeavor, but a labor of love! Stay tuned ...I'll try to take some more photos soon. happy knitting :)
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