I really love how they all fit so nicely together. The braided crochet seaming works great!

I'm using Knitting Arrow's pattern. The original tessellating fish (with the bobble eye and smile) pattern came from an Knitter's Magazine issue 51 (Summer 1998) which is difficult to find. I have since learned that the pattern has been reproduced in Babies & Toddlers: A Knitter's Dozen
Today my youngest and I had to do an errand, so we checked out Joann's and Michaels in North Attleboro. I usually frequent the Joann's in Milford because it's close, but I just have to say that the Joann's in North Attleboro is just fabulous and is definitely worth the trip. It's a super big store. The yarn department has all the new Bernat yarns including the organic cottons and wools. This is the best display of yarn I've seen recently. My son got the modeling supplies that he wanted, but I scored in the clearance bin 7 more skeins of Modea Cartwheel in the blue/greys (haize) for 97 cents each. This usually goes for $5.99 a skein. It really felts well. I used the same yarn in my felted tote . I was happy :)
Then we checked out Michaels...they had a clearance bin there, too. Here I scored five skeins of the big Sugar and Cream. Two white and two natural (14 oz. each) and one variegated patio pinks (12 oz.). They were only $2.00 each. I sure wish I had been there when they had more colors. Isn't that a great deal? I figure that after I knit all the cloths and towels I want...I'll have plenty yarn for a cotton fish blanket or towel. You can't have too much yarn...can you?
Well, guess I'll leave you with that thought! Happy knitting :)