A Phalaenopsis Orchid, my first.
I've always wanted to try to grow an orchid, but was afraid to spend the money and have one die. Normally orchids cost $20.00 and up. That;s a lot to spend not knowing if the plant will survive.
Usually I don't name my plants, but thought I would this time, mostly in honor of my friend, Dee (the enabler), who names her plants and she's the one who encouraged me to buy Miss Pink. I guess I should start my story from the beginning.
Yesterday I did my food shopping and while I was at the grocery store I started drooling in front of a table display of orchids. They were a special, just $7.99 and my goodness they were all beautiful and very healthy looking. I started talking to another admirer of the plants. I was very tempted to buy one, but I was too afraid I might kill it. The other woman told me about how she had killed them in the past. We both decided not to buy one.
I kept thinking about them all day yesterday and even told my husband about them. I also wrote to my friend Dee, a very successful orchid grower, who lives in Florida. Today after I read her email pretty much telling me -- to go for it, I had nothing to lose, I was a woman on a mission to go back to the market and buy one. I was afraid they might all be gone. This market is super busy, but to my delight they were all there. It didn't look like they sold any as far as I could tell or maybe they got another shipment. Well, low and behold there was another woman looking at them today and I again struck up a conversation with her. As it happens she also grows orchids and is a member of the garden club and she was very happy to help me. She gave me some advise and helped me pick out my beauty. Now time will only tell if I can keep Miss Pink alive. Thanks to Dee, as she patiently answers my questions, I'm hoping Shirl will have a long life and hopefully continue to bloom for me :) I've got lots to learn about Orchids. Hopefully she'll be patient with me while I learn :)
Now you probably saying this is a knitting blog where is the knitting content? No knitting to show you today but I do have something knitting related in a fibery sort of way. Here's my loot, a prize I won on Linda's blog contest recently. I really hit the jack pot with 4 skeins of wonderful yarn from Kraemer Yarns. Two greenish worsted skeins, one brown DK, and a yellow fingering weight. Love all of them! Aren't I the lucky one?
In addition she included a lovely hand crocheted dishcloth in my kitchen colors and knitting note cards (my first) and a pad of tulips for my friend. Everything is wonderful...Thank you, Linda, for your VERY generous surprise package!!! I really appreciate it and you made today very special.
So much for the spring weather last week, as we are now expecting 2-4 inches of snow overnight. The good thing is -- it shouldn't stay around long. After a taste of the nice weather I am getting very itchy for it to arrive and stay. Better get cracking and get back to my knitting. That baby blanket has to be finished by April 15th. Happy Knitting :)
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